Welcome! Check out this video for updates on our events!!

Who We Are
As Catholic Young Adults, we know that sharing our faith or finding people you can grow in virtue with can be difficult. But we are here to help! Our mission is two parts: to create a space where people of all backgrounds can come and seek answers to their biggest faith/life questions and to bring each other closer to God through witness and action by calling on the Holy Spirit to guide us. We meet every Thursday evening from 6:30-8pm in different locations. Once a month we will connect with other churches in our local area and gather for fellowship, adoration, and listen to guest speakers!


Formation Night
Presentation, Studies, Discussion
Topics: Apologetics, Alpha Program, Theology of the Body, other.

Social Night
Dinner, Fun activities, Board games
Places: Local Restaurants, Escape Room, Ax Throwing, Arcade, other.

Faith Night
Praise and Worship, Adoration, Rosary
Place: Youth Center, Local Church, Chapel

Theology on Tap
Place: Local Pub, Youth Center

Recreational Activities
Sports, Kayaking, Dancing
Places: Circle B, National parks, Lakes, other.

Fairs and Local Events
Festivals, Sport games
Events: Strawberry Festival, Food Fair, Lightning Game, other.
Check out our calendar for all our upcoming events!

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."
1 Thessalonians 5:11

Get in touch with us!
If you would like to learn more about our group and how you can get involved please send us an email, join our Facebook group or follow us on Instagram.